International Womens Day 2015

Wednesday 4th March: Pictured are five of Ireland’s brightest business women, who will be speaking at event in Dublin tomorrow evening (thursday 5th March) to celebrate International Women’s Day, which falls on Sunday.
Around 250 female entrepreneurs and business leaders will attend the ‘Celebration, Connection and Inspirationfor Women in Business’ event, which will take place in the Davenport Hotel.
the evening will feature a keynote address from Mary McKenna, founder and Managing Director of Tour America. The event is organised by Dublin Camber of Commerce and the Women in Business networks from Fingal, Dublin City and DunLAoghaire-RathdownLEO’s, and kindly sponsored by Vodafone.
Other speakers ont he evening will include Anne Sheehan, Enterprise Director, Vodafone Ireland, and three of Ireland’s most successful yound femaleentrepreneurs: Mouna Kenzaoui, founder and Chief Executive of Martinsen Mayer, Cristina Luminea, founder and Chief Executive of ToughtBox, and Georgia Scott, co-founder of Georgia in Dublin.
According to Dublin Chamber CEO Gina Quin: ‘This is the sixth consecutive year in which we’ve ran an event to coincide with International Women’s Day. Jsut like the day itself, our event helps showcase, promote and celebrate some of the excellent female entrepreneurs and business women that we have in Ireland. The event seems to get biggger each year, which is recognition of the interest amongest women in setting up their own businesses and in progresssing up the career ladder. Each of the speakers comes from a different sector and will share ther stories of how thye made it in the world of business. The hope is that everyone who attends the event will come away with the desire and confidence to take the next step.’
l-r Cristina Luminea, ThoughtBox, Mary McKenna, Managine Director, Tour America, Georgia Scott, Georgia in Dublin, Mouna Kenzaoui, Martinsen Mayer, Anne Sheehan, Enterprise Director, Vodafone.

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